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Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease Specialties has built a philosophy, Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease Specialties Logo




More on Osteoporosis

More on Osteoporosis More on Osteoporosis There are a number of reasons why I chose the topic of osteoporosis for my article this month. I have written many articles on osteoporosis over the past 29 years in which tremendous changes have occurred in both the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Today I would like to focus on the latest things you should know [...]

What is Raynaud’s Phenomenon

What is Raynaud’s Phenomenon What is Raynaud’s Phenomenon Raynaud’s phenomenon is a result of deficient blood flow in the extremities, in particular the fingers and the toes. It is a condition named after the physician who first described it, Dr. Maurice Raynaud in France. This condition classically occurs after exposure to the cold. At times, it may be persistent and individuals suffering from [...]

Why a Rheumatologist?

Why a Rheumatologist? Why a Rheumatologist? Of the more than 25 years that I have practiced medicine as a Rheumatologist, I have been asked many times “what is a Rheumatologist?”. When I give the explanation that “he/she is a specialist in arthritis and autoimmune diseases”, the question that is often asked is “why did I choose to become a Rheumatologist out of all [...]

The Many Facets of Rheumatoid Disease

The Many Facets of Rheumatoid Disease The Many Facets of Rheumatoid Disease Dr. Norman B. Gaylis In my several years as a practicing rheumatologist, I have noticed that many people with arthritis -and sometimes, their doctors -harbor the mistaken notion that arthritis confines its symptoms to the joints alone. Certainly, the most common arthritic disorders relate to pain and swelling of the joints, but [...]

Rheumatoid Arthritis News

Rheumatoid Arthritis News Rheumatoid Arthritis News Dr. Norman B. Gaylis This is an article that I have written many times in my life. It appears that when I look back and see what my articles reflected on the management of Rheumatoid arthritis initially twenty years ago and then more recently ten years ago. It is amazing that there was almost no change in my [...]

Paget’s Disease of Bone

Paget’s Disease of Bone Paget’s Disease of Bone Definition Paget’s disease of bone is a chronic disorder that typically results in enlarged and deformed bones in one or more regions of the skeleton. Excessive bone breakdown and formation cause the bone to be dense but fragile. As a result, bone pain, arthritis, noticeable deformities, and fractures can occur. Causes The cause of Paget’s [...]

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